What is KZR INING system?
The KZR INiG system is a Polish certification system with a global scope, owned by the Oil and Gas Institute - National Research Institute. The system has been approved by the European Commission for the demonstration of compliance with sustainability criteria in accordance with the Directives 98/70/EC and 2018/2001 ('RED II') of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.
System KZR INIG znajduje się na liście uznanych przez Komisję Europejską systemów certyfikacji i jest równoważny takim systemom jak Red Cert czy ISCC. Certyfikaty wystawione w ramach KZR INiG są uznawane przez inne systemy dobrowolne.
What can be certified?
Agricultural biomass, forest biomass, waste and residues from agricultural, forestry or food production, raw materials and products for the production of biofuels, bioliquids, biomass fuels and energy, as well as waste containing a biomass fraction and alternative fuels produced from it (RDF).
For whom?
This certification is intended for all entities in the supply chain (from the point of origin through biomass processors and fuel suppliers to the market, as well as heat, electricity and cement producers). Doing business in the biofuel industry requires KZR INiG certification. It confirms the company's conscious approach to development with respect for the environment, the use of resources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Depending on the nature of the company's business, the following scopes are subject to certification:
- Individual agricultural production and sales
- First point of collection of crops, agricultural waste and residues, forestry residues, other waste and residues
- Oil pressing plant
- Sugar factory
- Distillery
- Sawmill
- Biofuel production: ethanol/ ETBE/FAME/ and others
- Hydrogenation or co-hydrogenation
- Bio-carbon production
- Bioliquids production
- Biogas plant
- Biomethane production installation
- Production of solid fuels from biomass, including alternative fuels from waste containing a biomass fraction (RDF)
- Production of recycled carbon-based fuels
- Production of renewable liquid and gaseous transport fuels of non-biological origin
- Solid biomass processing unit
- Other biomass processor
- Trade in biomass, biofuels, biomass fuels, waste and residues
- Final supplier
- Producer of heat and/or electricity
- Producer of heat for process purposes (cement plant)
- a global system, enabling companies to sell their products all over the world
- faster certification compared to equivalent systems, as there is no need to validate documentation abroad
- lower certification costs, registration fees and per-tonne charges compared to equivalent systems;
- documents, training and contact in Polish
How to get certified?
There are 10 simple steps towards KZR INiG certification:
- Take the decision on certification.
- Prepare for certification by meeting the system requirements available at www.kzr.inig.eu under "System Documents".
- Register in the KZR INiG system. When registering, you choose a certification body (e.g. TÜV NORD Polska) that will audit your company.
- After the formal assessment, sign an agreement to participate in the KZR INiG system.
- Contact the selected certification body (e.g. TÜV NORD Polska) to determine the duration, date and cost of the audit. You will be asked to complete a short form that you can download now from our website.
- Order the audit, following the offer sent by the certification body, and sign the certification contract.
- Audit
- After a positive assessment, the certification body will issue and register your certificate in the system.
- Publication of information about the certificate in the KZR INiG database.
- Active participation in the system - you can already sell certified products!
We invite you to contact us